High School Summer School Registration
CSISD Summer School offers a reduced rate for students who demonstrate a financial need. To qualify for a discounted rate the student must qualify for CSISD Child Nutrition Free or Reduced Lunch. An application must be submitted and approved prior to registration. The application can be found here.
For questions/issues about registration, please contact:
For Summer School information: Chad Bronowski at summerschool@csisd.org
For Eleyo issues, communityeducation@csisd.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the dates of summer school?
- What happens if I register for more than one course at a time?
- Where and when is orientation for hybrid students?
- How does it work?
- What is Eleyo?
- When is payment due?
- What if I need help?
- Will you process my registration form if I do not have it completed?
- What if I am not a student of CSISD?
- What classes are offered?
- What if I register and decide not to do summer school?