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College Station Independent School District

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Volunteers in Public Schools Program

How to Volunteer in CSISD

Apply to be a volunteer by filling out a volunteer application through our online application system. Simply click "Apply for this position" to begin the application process.

If this is your first time filling out an application, click on the "Create New Account and Apply" button under the "I am a new applicant" section.

If this is NOT your first time filling out an application, log in with your username and password under the "I already have a Recruit & Hire account with College Station ISD" section. If you do not know your username or password select the "I forgot my username or password" link and follow the prompts.

You will see four sections within the application: personal information, legal information, child information, and review. Once the necessary information has been logged, please check for any errors.

You will know your application has been submitted when you get a confirmation page on your screen. You may print this for your records.

You will receive a confirmation email as well.

Application processing time varies, but it is recommended that you submit an application at least a week prior to your desired volunteering start date.

You will be notified ONLY if your request to volunteer is denied.
Please contact your child's campus for more information.

Apply to be a volunteer


Purpose of the CSISD Volunteer Program

The purpose of the CSISD volunteer program is to utilize the talents of individuals and provide greater educational opportunities and services for children within the regular school program. We seek to build better understanding and citizen support for public education.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the school volunteer service program. The program will provide the opportunity for the volunteer and the school to work hand in hand to provide quality learning experiences for the children in the district. The individual skills and interests of each volunteer are matched to those campus needs.

Responsibilities of Volunteers

  • Learn campus procedures and follow them.
  • Keep information concerning children and the school in strict confidence.
  • Contact the school or the building volunteer coordinator if you must be absent.
  • Be prompt and dependable.

Please contact the campus of your choice to get more information about volunteering in College Station schools.

Contact Information:

Krista Thomson, Community Engagement Coordinator


Email Krista

Volunteer Spotlight Nomination

Do you know a volunteer that deserves to recognized for their service at a CSISD school? Nominate them to be a spotlight volunteer!

Volunteer Spotlight Nomination Form