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College Station Independent School District

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Distribution of Non-School Materials

College Station ISD often receives requests from community organizations to distribute informational materials to students. In an effort to keep waste to a minimum, CSISD created an online folder to provide students and parents with this information. Suitability and approval are at the discretion of College Station ISD.

Requesting organizations must be located within our community and meet the requirements outlined in the administrative guidelines for distribution of non-school related materials.

All non-school materials must be submitted via the form below for approval.

Flyer Distribution

CSISD no longer sends paper flyers home with its students. The flyers that used to be sent home in student take-home folders will now be available online on our Community Flyers webpage. Flyers which promote for-profit businesses will not be approved for distribution.

Procedure for Flyer Distribution

  • Flyers shall not be distributed without first being approved. Please complete the form below to request approval.
  • You will be notified via email as to whether or not your flyer was approved and when your flyer will appear on the district website.

Poster Distribution

CSISD allows certain posters to be displayed in common areas on its campuses. Posters which promote for-profit businesses will not be approved for distribution.

Procedure for Poster Distribution

  • Posters shall not be distributed without first being approved. Please complete the form below to request approval.
  • If approved, a signed copy of the approval form will be returned to you via email.
  • Take the posters you wish to display, along the email approval, to each campus in which you wish to display the posters.

Questions? Contact Austin Dunson, CSISD Director of Communications at 979 764-5477.

Administrative Guidelines - Distribution of Non-School Materials

Note: CSISD will process Community Flyer Requests within 10 business days.

Community Flyer Request Form


Materials requested for distributionrequired
This organization is:required
Organization Contactrequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen