Gifted And Talented Program
- Important Dates
- Referral and Permission Forms
- High Achiever | Gifted Learner | Creative Thinker
- GT Information for Parents
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Teacher Qualifications
Important Dates
Parent Informational Meeting
Nov. 18, 2024 | 6-7 p.m. | CSISD Boardroom
Referral Due Dates
Referrals accepted Nov. 4 - Dec. 13, 2024
Referrals due Dec. 13, 2024
1st - 11th Grades
Referrals accepted Jan. 7 - Feb. 3, 2025
Referrals due Feb. 3, 2025
Sesión informativa del GT
el lunes 18 de noviembre
Referencias aceptadas el 4 noviembre- el 13 diciembre
Refrencias vence el 13 de diciembre
1° - 11° grados
Referencias aceptadas el 7 enero- el 3 febrero
Refrencias vence el 3 febrero
Referral and Permission Forms
High Achiever | Gifted Learner | Creative Thinker
GT Information for Parents
Frequently Asked Questions
When is GT testing?
College Station Independent School District begins formal identification for possible placement in the gifted/talented program in the second semester each year.
Kindergarten testing usually happens early January and testing for 1st through 11th grades begins in February and continues until late April. Notification of referral acceptance dates will be sent out school-wide prior to testing.
What do I need to know about GT testing?
CSISD holds a parent informational meeting once a year in November. You are encouraged to attend as we answer many of your questions about testing and service design.
Here are the basics:
- Referrals are open to ALL students in CSISD.
- Testing takes place over a few weeks with 3-6 testing sessions.
- Kindergarten testing usually begins early January and services begin March 1st.
- Testing for 1st through 11th grade begins February and continues until early May.
- Notification of referral acceptance dates will be sent out school-wide prior to testing.
Our screening process includes the following:
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
Teacher Rating Scale
Parent Rating Scale
Texas State Plan for Gifted and Talented
Spanish and English versions are available as well as an FAQ section.
If they do not show a need for services, how often can my child be tested for Gifted and Talented Services?
A student may be tested each year.
Once you are in GT do you need to be retested each year?
No, once you have shown a need for services in CSISD, you may remain in GT. *See our district plan for information on furloughs and exits.
How can I tell if my child is gifted and needs services or is bright and needs differentiation?
Because children may respond differently in different situations, we ask for parent and teacher input as well as testing data to determine if a child has a testable educational need for services. Please refer to the High Achiever/ Gifted Learner/ Creative Thinker charts for a list of possible characteristics to help determine if your child is gifted and needs services or is bright and needs differentiation. Please keep in mind when reading that these are generalizations, and of course every child is an individual, so these characteristics may show themselves in a variety of ways.
Who can refer a child for testing?
Any student may be referred by a parent, teacher, peer, or themselves. However, we will need parent permission to test your child for the GT program.
What happens if we move in district?
A student who transfers within the district from one campus to another CSISD campus and remains in the same grade, shall continue to receive GT services in CSISD. The Attendance Clerk will provide a copy of the withdrawal form to both the sending and receiving schools' Enrichment Specialists (grades K-6) or counselors (grades 7-12). The Specialist/counselor at the sending school will take the appropriate actions to get the student's folder to the receiving school's Specialist/counselor.
What happens if we are new to CSISD, but my child was in the GT program in another district?
When a student identified as gifted by a previous school district transfers into CSISD, the student's records are reviewed by the placement committee to determine if the scores and tests used are comparable to CSISD’s eligibility criteria.
The committee will make its determination within 30 days of enrollment in CSISD and shall base its decision on the transferred records, observation reports of district teachers who instruct the student, and student and parent conferences.
Committee decision options may include:
If criteria are similar to CSISD’s eligibility criteria: Placement
If criteria are similar, but scores are lower than CSISD’s eligibility criteria: Non-placement
If criteria are dissimilar: Non-placement with the option to test within 30 days of enrollment
What enrichment opportunities are available in CSISD?
At each of the elementary (grades PK-4) and intermediate (grades 5-6) campuses, an Enrichment Specialist oversees the G/T program that includes weekly pull-out sessions for identified students. In addition to providing services for the students identified as G/T, the Enrichment Specialist, and other campus personnel, work together to provide school-wide enrichment opportunities available to all students, grades K-6. Depending on the campus, these activities might include; , guest speakers, interest clubs, geography and spelling bees, student council, UIL, etc.
At the middle and high school levels, students are offered opportunities to extend their learning by selecting courses that are of high interest to the students. The teachers will provide differentiated instruction to help the students extend their learning to achieve student academic goals.
For more information please see the CSISD Gifted and Talented Program Plan or contact your child’s school Enrichment Specialist (K-6) or counselor (7-12).
Teacher Qualifications
The goal of CSISD is to have all of our classroom teachers across the district trained with their 30 hours of Level 1 Gifted and Talented training. In addition, teachers receive update training by completing an additional 6 hours annually. CSISD believes it is important for teachers to recognize and meet the needs of gifted and talented students of all ages.
Additionally, in grades 1-4, students identified as GT are placed in clusters of at least 5 students per class.
The enrichment specialists work closely with the cluster teachers to support and monitor your student’s success.