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College Station Independent School District

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Professional Development

Welcome to CSISD's Professional Development. Use the links to the right to find specific information about each of your areas of interest.


Phone: 979-764-5420  Fax: 979-764-5425
Jeff Mann                                                                                                                       Director of School Improvement                                                                              
Connie Martinez                                              Administrative Assistant



All educators should model the philosophy of life-long learning and participate in professional development activities that focus on the need to continually update knowledge in content, best practice, research, and technology that is relevant to the individual's role as an educator. Professional development in College Station Independent School District is defined as educational activities and experiences that support the continuous learning and professional growth of all employees. CSISD believes all professional development should be relevant, job-embedded, and timely in relation to the needs of the participants. In support of these qualities, all professional development will be aligned with the District belief statements, the District Improvement Plan, department goals and objectives, and/or campus improvement plans.


The following principles should guide all aspects of professional development for district employees:

  • A variety of designs and collaborative groupings will be used to deliver professional development opportunities.
  • Learning content and process will be guided by research-based practices and driven by improving student achievement.
  • Learning content and process will be differentiated based on the perceived and evidentiary needs of the participants.
  • Professional development activities will be reflective of the District, department or campus improvement plans.
  • Professional learning will be continuously supported to maximize learning, sustainability, and implementation.

It is our vision that employees maintain high standards of professionalism and dedicate themselves to building a community of life-long learners within CSISD. To achieve this, application of the following professional expectations is essential to creating an optimum professional learning environment for all participants.

  • Contribute fully and positively to the teaching/learning process.
  • Arrive on time and remain for the duration of the professional development session.
  • Prepare appropriately for the professional development experience by bringing proper materials to facilitate the learning process.
  • Cancel registration from courses at least 48 hours prior to the start time of the session (through use of the cancellation feature in Eduphoria Workshop) so that others may register, especially if a session is full.