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College Station Independent School District

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Eduphoria Workshop System

To access Eduphoria Workshop, click HERE.

Eduphoria Workshop is an online site that facilitates professional development registration and individual staff professional development portfolios. To access Eduphoria Workshop, click on the link at this site.

Registration Directions:

  1. Once logged into Eduphoria, click on the "Workshop" icon. You can access more specific written directions and a step-by-step video clip on registration by clicking on Help/Workshop/Workshop for Teachers/Registering for Courses, or you can follow the directions below.
  2. Professional development opportunities may be viewed in a variety of ways.
    1. Click on the "View Up and Coming Courses" icon to see what is available by date.
    2. Click on the "View Courses by Month" icon.
    3. Click on any of the category icons to view course offerings by subject.
  3. Click on the course title to read the details, instructor, dates, times, location and possible credit types (such as GT) available for the particular session.
  4. To register for the specific session, click on the "Register" icon above the course title.
  5. After registering for a course, a message will be added on the Eduphoria screen that reads "I am registered for..."
  6. You will receive a CSISD email stating that you have been enrolled.
  7. If you need to unregister from a class, go through this same process, but click on the "Unregister" icon instead of the register icon. You will receive an email stating you have been removed from the class roster.
  8. A list of all the sessions you are registered for will appear at the top of your Workshop screen. They will remain there so you will have a reminder of what you are registered to attend.

Directions for Completing Professional Development Surveys:

Participants must complete a survey for any session stating the requirement in the course description. Participants will not be able to receive credit for attending a session until a survey is completed. Participants must be registered in order to access the survey. Surveys will be available as soon as the scheduled session is officially ended and on-line for only 10 days following the session. It will not be available earlier. Credit is applied when the survey is submitted.

  1. Log into Workshop.
  2. Click on "My Portfolio".
  3. Click on the session title that needs the survey completed.
  4. Click on the tab across the middle of the screen for "Survey".
  5. Answer the survey questions. Type in additional comments, if desired.
  6. Click on "Submit Survey".

Professional Development Portfolio

A staff member can print out a cumulative Portfolio Summary from Eduphoria Workshop using the following steps:

  1. Click on the Workshop tab on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on "My Portfolio" under Registration and Portfolio in the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Click on "Print" at the top center of the screen.
  4. Click on "Report" at the bottom left corner of the screen.

The summary will provide the total credits earned to date since initial Workshop implementation for the staff member.

Under "Portfolio Options" (bottom left corner of the screen) staff members can request that an outside workshop, conference, or college course be added to the Portfolio. Proof of attendance must be submitted to the campus principal or supervisor.

A staff member may want to indicate certifications on the Portfolio Summary. Under "Portfolio Options", click on "Add New Certification". Select a certification under "Add New Certification." If the certification category is not listed, contact the Professional Development office to request it be added to the list of choices.

Course Cancellation

Each course has a participant registration minimum. If the enrollment number in a course has not reached the minimum enrollment at least 48 hours in advance of the start date, the course will be cancelled. It is the responsibility of the participant to check Eduphoria Workshop prior to the beginning of the course for accurate information regarding status, time, date, and location. An email will be sent to participants' school email addresses notifying them of a cancellation.