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College Station Independent School District

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the district require a specific number of professional development hours each year?

No. There is no set number of professional development hours. Staff is expected to attend sessions scheduled on district-wide and campus professional development days.

What workshops do I need to take?

Your principal, department chair or content area specialist is the best source for determining appropriate training sessions. By working with your supervisor to set professional growth goals, choosing your professional development sessions will be more meaningful and effective. You will need to register for any workshops that are offered during staff development days on your individual campus.

When the audience says, for example, middle school teachers, do all middle school teachers have to attend?

No. It only means that the content is appropriate for middle school teachers. Required sessions will be noted as such.

How do I check my credit for a session?

Click on the "Portfolio" tab in Eduphoria Workshop.

How do I see if I am registered for a session?

Click on Eduphoria Workshop and then click on "My Portfolio".

What if a session is full when I go to register?

Continue to check back to Workshop because people may drop the session. It is recommended that you register early for sessions.

How do I DROP a session?

Click on "Workshop" tab in Eduphoria. Click on the icon under which the course is listed. Click on the course. Click on the red "Unregister" button at the top of the screen. You will be asked if you are sure you want to unenroll. The unenrollment will be acknowledged.

What happens if I did not register for a course?

Although you are strongly encouraged to register for a course, there are times that a session does not meet a maximum attendance. In this case, walk-in registration is allowed. A walk-in must be at the session ahead of the start time; however, the walk-in may not sign-in until the session begins. This is to ensure that those who have preregistered still have their places. If you are a walk-in, you must print your official name on the sign-in sheet and then register on-line following the session.

What happens if I do not sign in for a session?

Pre-populated sign-in sheets are provided at all sessions with the names of those people who registered for the workshop. Blank sign-ins sheets are provided for walk-ins. Credit for attending the session will only be given for those signing in. The sign-in sheets are proof that each participant attended the full session. Presenters are not allowed to vouch for participants.

Can I arrive late? Can I leave early?

Participants are expected to be at a session at the time of start. You will not receive credit for the session if you arrive 15 minutes, or more, late. You are expected to participate for the entire time of the session, but if you arrive late this will not occur. It is only fair to the presenter and all of the participants if a session begins and ends on time. When someone walks in late, this is a distraction. As you are expected to be at the session at its start, you are also expected to be there until it is dismissed. You will not be meeting attendance expectations if you leave early (15 minutes or more). Plan on staying the entire time.

Where do I go for my session?

You will find the location in the description of the session in Workshop. You are also welcome to call our office at 979-764-5420 to inquire about a session location.

What do I do if I do not receive credit for a session?

Please allow a minimum of two weeks following a session for it to appear on your portfolio. If, after that time, it is still not showing, you are welcome to contact the office of the Director in Instruction through email or by telephone. We can check the session to see if you signed in. Remember, you will not receive credit if you did not sign in or do not complete the evaluation form, if required. We cannot make exceptions to this requirement.

Can I take something out of district and still receive credit?

You are welcome to take an out-of-district session (even for compensatory time). If you take a workshop that is not offered on Workshop for comp time, then you must have the training pre-approved by your principal.

Will an out-of-district session appear on my Workshop Portfolio?

Under "Portfolio Options" (bottom left corner of the screen) staff members can request that an outside workshop, conference, or college course be added to the Portfolio. Proof of attendance must be submitted to the campus principal or supervisor.

If I attended a training during my regular work day, will I receive professional development credit?

You will receive professional development credit; however, this cannot be used for the compensatory day.

Will additional courses, not currently listed on Workshop, be offered throughout the year and/or summer?

Opportunities that arise and meet the district focus will be added to Workshop. It is important that all educators review Workshop on a regular basis to check for possible updates and/or cancellations.

Who do I call if I have a question about the Workshop process?

Questions about the registration process may be addressed by calling the office of the Director of Instruction at 979-764-5420.

May I receive credit for professional development hours for teaching a session?

Presenters may receive professional development hours for courses that are taught .

May I receive compensation for teaching a professional development session?

Presenters may receive monetary compensation or a compensatory day (1 only) for instructing a session that is outside of his/her contract hours.