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College Station Independent School District

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Out-of-District Professional Development Credits

Educators and staff who have received credit for professional development that was presented outside of CSISD may want to enter this information into the CSISD Eduphoria system. This process can be used to house professional development credits for certification renewal (though the act of turning in the hours to the state upon renewal lies solely with the educator). Gifted and Talented credits as well as hours for Compensation Day that were earned in out-of-district training may also be entered into Eduphoria. Below is a link to a short video as well as a PDF version showing the process educators and staff should use.

LINK: Instructional video.

Please note: a certificate showing your completed hours is necessary in electronic form. This can be accomplished by scanning in a paper copy if needed. Additional documentation may be needed for Gifted and Talented credits including a description of the training received.

If you have any questions, you may contact Kelly Kovacs or Melody Hammond at 764-5420

How to Request Credits in Eduphoria