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College Station Independent School District

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Teacher Incentive Allotment

House Bill (HB) 3 was signed into law in 2019  following the 86th Texas Legislative session. Included in this bill was the establishment of the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program. The purpose of the TIA is to  increase compensation  for highly effective teachers. The program is dedicated to recruiting, supporting and retaining highly effective teachers in all schools, with particular emphasis on high need and rural schools. 


Districts, if they so choose, can develop a local designation system and designate high-performing teachers (Master, Exemplary or Recognized). Districts will receive additional funding of $3,000-$32,000 per year for compensation of each designated teacher they employ.  Teachers who earn National Board Certification will automatically receive compensation at the Recognized designation level in accordance with the districts’ plan.


College Station ISD established a TIA committee in fall 2020 consisting of teachers, campus leaders, district leaders, and school board members  who worked to develop the district’s application for our initial participation in the TIA system.


While the scope of the district’s  initial application is restricted to those teachers who work in assignments where reliable and valid measures of student performance are already in place, the district will strive over the next several years to expand this system and include teachers at all levels and in all teaching assignments.