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College Station Independent School District

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Leadership Definition Development Process

CSISD Leadership Definition 

Development Process

Leadership Definition Development Process 1

The CSISD Leadership Definition is at the core of our leadership development programs. We believe that achieving success, building community, and cultivating growth is the key to effective school leadership.  This leadership definition was developed in partnership with the Holdsworth Center.

Leadership Definition Development Process 2


The creation of the definition involved a task force consisting of 36 stakeholders which was a mix of teachers, principals, central office administrators, and students.  The task force met three different times and each meeting had three distinct purposes. The first meeting was to develop an understanding of the work at hand, researching effective leadership, and start developing a list of competencies we would like to see in leaders at all levels of our district. 

After classification and sorting of the competencies, three distinct categories were starting to emerge: Achieves Success, Builds Community, and Cultivates Growth. The second meeting was focused on the development of categories based upon the competencies created by the task force. There were 

many reviews, discussions, wonderings, adjustments, and suggestions made by the task force.  The task force members developed consensus around the three categories and placement of the competencies.

The third meeting required the task force to review the proposed final leadership definition and make recommendations for a logo that represents the leadership definition. 

Leadership Definition Development Process 3


The final leadership definition can be seen below.  The logo was created by high school students from our high school graphic design classes.  The students took the categories and competencies and from those words, created the CSISD Leadership Definition graphic. 

Leadership Definition Development Process 4

CSISD Leadership Definition Task Force Members

Leadership Definition Development Process 5