Awarded Vendors
See links at the bottom of the page for a list of the vendors and contracts that have been awarded by College Station ISD and the Purchasing Cooperatives of which CSISD is a member.
How to become an awarded vendor for College Station ISD
First, sign up as a supplier on our website to get notifications of CSISD bid solicitations by going to our website or clicking on this link CSISD Supplier/Contractor Registration and selecting Supplier Registration on the right. CSISD uses IonWave for its e-bidding software.
To be considered an awarded vendor, you must have been awarded a bid from CSISD or one of the purchasing cooperatives the district is a member of. Until you are awarded a bid you are considered a prospective supplier. The easiest way to become an awarded vendor is to join one of the purchasing cooperatives that we are a member of below and respond to one of their bids for the items/services you offer. Many of them have a vendor registration system that you can join, and they will email you when a solicitation is issued.
The vendors shown on these purchasing cooperatives do not necessarily have EDGAR approved contracts. Please check specific contracts for EDGAR compliance when using federal funds.
Links to Purchasing Cooperatives that we are a member of:
- Education Service Center Region 6 Purchasing Cooperative(EPIC6)
- Choice Partners HCDE Cooperative (CP)
- Texas Local Government and Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (TASB Buyboard)
- OMNIA Partners ESC4 Formerly TCPN
- Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
- Department of Information Resources (DIR)
- Houston-Galveston Area Cooperative (HGAC)
- Purchasing Solutions Alliance (PSA)
- Education Service Center Region 19 Purchasing Cooperative
- OMNIA Partner formerly U.S. Communities
- PACE: Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities
- School Purchasing Alliance (SPA)
- TIPS/TAPS Cooperative
- ESC Region 20 Purchasing Cooperative/2013 Cooperative
- National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA)
- 1GPA 1Government Procurement Alliance
- Sourcewell Cooperative
- Goodbuy Purchasing Cooperative
- 791 Purchasing Cooperative
Click the links below for a list of the vendors and contracts that have been awarded by College Station ISD and the Purchasing Cooperatives of which CSISD is a member.