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College Station Independent School District

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Vendor Forms/Registration

E-Bidding and Notification List

College Station ISD uses e-bidding software to issue bids, receive responses to bids, issue addenda, and award bids. 

All prospective and existing Suppliers and Contractors interested in responding to Bids/RFPs must register on our E-Bidding site, Ion Wave.  Once registered, you will be notified via email when a solicitation is issued relating to the product or service commodities selected during the registration process.   Suppliers/Contractors pay no fees for registering or utilizing this e-Bid system.

Click here to see Current Bid Opportunities for CSISD


Register as a prospective Supplier/Contractor here.

NOTICE:  Completing the registration process does NOT automatically make you an approved/awarded vendor of the district. To become an approved vendor then your organization must respond to a bid and then be awarded a bid.

Electronic Bidding is a three-step process:

  • Step 1: You must register in the electronic bidding system to be notified when a solicitation matching your selected commodities is issued.
  • Step 2: You must respond to a solicitation.
    • When a solicitation is issued that matches your selected commodities, CSISD will send you an email invitation to participate in that solicitation.
    • If you choose to participate, you must complete and submit the solicitation response by the close date identified in the solicitation.
  • Step 3: You must be formerly awarded the solicitation.

It is the responsibility of the supplier submitting a proposal to make certain that the CSISD Purchasing Office has the appropriate company name, authorized representatives, and contact information on file for the purpose of receiving notices, changes, addenda, or other critical information by updating their company information and users in on our e-bidding site.

Proposals must be submitted electronically using CSISD’s electronic bidding site by the established deadline.  Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted.

CSISD’s electronic bidding site does not accept responses/submissions after the due date and time.  Note that if a supplier begins responding to a bid request but does not click “submit” by the time the bid is scheduled to close, the proposal/submission will not have been submitted.  CSISD will not be responsible for proposals submitted late no matter the reason.

The CSISD Purchasing Department will NOT be responsible for the rejection of a response for failure to follow instructions contained in an addendum and/or if incomplete or inaccurate information is supplied by the Bidder/Proposer. 

Helpful hints while using this e-bidding software:

Once logged in:

  • You can utilize the menu at the top to access all system functionality, including managing your supplier profile under ‘Admin’.
  • Periodically review your Company Profile to ensure the information is accurate.
  • Your Commodity Code selections determine the bid invitations you receive.
  • Add additional user accounts or utilize a generic/shared email address on your user account to ensure your company receives notifications.
  • Submit your bid early! Submitting early gives you time to correct mistakes in your response or to deal with Internet/computer problems.
  • Whitelist the email domain to ensure you receive email from our system.
  • To keep up with your e-bidding logins we recommend adding CSISD to the end of your username

It is the responsibility of each supplier to maintain their company’s profile including updating any changes of address, name changes or emails through our e-bidding site. The vendor should also notify the College Station I.S.D. Purchasing Department at of these changes so they can be in our finance system.

Complete the New Vendor Information form below and submit to  This form should be completed for any vendor address, email, and phone number changes.