Student Transfers
Adopted the 2020-2021 school year.
The CSISD transfer guidelines below are in addition to CSISD Board Policy FDB (Legal) and Board Policy FDB (Local).
General Information
● Per School Board Policy, College Station ISD does not accept transfer requests for students who do not reside within the CSISD boundary unless you are a full-time employee of the district.
● It is a criminal offense under Penal Code 37.10 to present false information or records for identification.
● In applying for a transfer, parents assume responsibility for transporting their students to and from school. No district transportation is provided for approved transfer students.
● In-District transfers are approved for one academic year only. A new application must be submitted each year.
● All students who transfer are subject to review by the UIL; a transfer may affect a student’s eligibility in sports. It is the responsibility of the student seeking a transfer to ensure that any and all possible UIL ramifications are considered. If you have questions in this area, please contact the UIL office at 512-471-5883.
● All approved transfers are conditional.
○ Transferred students who do not arrive or depart campus on time, maintain good attendance and/or behavior may have their transfer approval revoked at any point during the semester.
○ Should the enrollment at any school increase unexpectedly during the school year, the district reserves the right to revoke transfers to the school immediately in order to reestablish enrollment balance.
○ Presenting false information on a transfer request or failing to update the information presented in a timely manner shall be considered sufficient grounds for revocation of any transfer.
Transfer Types
Program Transfers: Program transfers are when students or siblings of students transfer because a program they are involved in is offered at a campus in which they are not zoned.
Special Services Sibling Transfers
Dual Language Siblings Transfers
Head Start/Pre-K Sibling Transfers
Career and Technical Education Transfers
Employee Transfers: CSISD allows its full-time employees the opportunity to transfer their child to the school of their choice.