Discretionary Transfers
Discretionary Transfers: Families may apply for a transfer for any reason. Common reasons for transfer requests include, transportation issues, family hardship and medical issues.
● Returning families wishing to apply for a transfer must do so between Jan. 15 - March 7 of the school year previous to when the transfer will be active.
● New families to CSISD may request a transfer within 10 business days of enrollment.
● Families which change address outside of the transfer application window, have 10 business days to submit a transfer request.
● The CSISD transfer committee will review all discretionary transfer requests and notify the family whether or not the transfer was granted within 10 business days of the application being submitted.
● Please visit or call the student services office to obtain a discretionary transfer application.
○ Address: 1812 Welsh
○ Call: (979) 764-5415