Goals and Specific Results
Goal 1: CSISD will enhance effective instructional practices by implementing innovative and personalized learning experiences.
- 1.1 Provide a variety of learning experiences that address distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, and cultural backgrounds of all learners
- 1.2 Create a system of personalized professional learning for all educators
- 1.3 Engage in a process for student individual goal setting and progress monitoring
Goal 2: CSISD will elevate academic outcomes of historically underperforming student groups.
- 2.1 Increase student success of underperforming groups by establishing a calibrated, Comprehensive Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Program
- 2.2 Increase student achievement by implementing research based best practices in Tier I instruction in all classrooms
- 2.3 Provide campus flexibility for implementing student intervention
- 2.4 Provide students and families with social/emotional support
Goal 3: CSISD will enrich students’ school experiences by strengthening relationships between students, staff, and families.
- 3.1 Provide training and ongoing support for staff in promoting positive relationships among students, staff and parents
- 3.2 Establish support programs for historically underperforming and at-risk students
- 3.3 Promote an engaging relationship between the school district and community
Goal 4: CSISD will cultivate and strengthen intentional partnerships with local businesses, community organizations, and higher education agencies.
- 4.1 Develop a coordinated initiative for community partnerships
- 4.2 Explore and identify the needs of various groups within CSISD
- 4.3 Establish relationships with relevant and willing partners to meet identified needs
Goal 5: CSISD will improve the technology ecosystem by increasing access to devices, strengthening technology infrastructure, and ensuring a safe and secure digital environment.
- 5.1 Increase the number of classroom sets of devices based upon assessment of needs
- 5.2 Improve the technology infrastructure, including enhancing WiFi access to ensure comprehensive coverage
- 5.3 Enhance the safety and security of the technology infrastructure to protect privacy of information and secure sensitive data
- 5.4 Ensure efficient and effective technology staffing is maintained and technical support is readily available to users
Goal 6: CSISD will transform the learner experience through purposeful integration of instructional technology to augment the teaching and learning process.
- 6.1 Establish and utilize a comprehensive instructional technology plan for teachers and staff
- 6.2 Create and implement a comprehensive instructional technology plan for students at all levels
- 6.3 Provide sufficient instructional technology resources and support
- 6.4 Create a system that is designed to receive and respond to the comprehensive instructional technology plan