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College Station Independent School District

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District of Innovation Plan

In the 84th Legislative Session, House Bill 1842 passed, permitting Texas public school districts to become Districts of Innovation (DOI) and to obtain exemption from certain provisions of the Texas Education Code (TEC). 

The status of District of Innovation would allow College Station ISD to have most of the flexibilities that open-enrollment charter schools currently utilize.  On August 15, 2017, the College Station Independent School District’s Board of Trustees passed a Resolution to become a District of Innovation. The purpose of pursuing the District of Innovation status is to increase local control over District operations and to support innovation and local initiatives. 

The adoption of this plan seeks to increase the District’s flexibility in order to improve educational outcomes for the benefit of students and the community.

On September 19, 2017, the Board held a Public Hearing for comments on becoming a District of Innovation and the Board appointed a thirty-three member District of Innovation District Advisory Committee composed of diverse leaders representing a cross-section of the District’s stakeholders including teachers, campus administrators, parents, business and community leaders, and district administrators. 

The Committee met on October 3, 2017, to discuss areas of local control to benefit the stakeholders in the district and community and to draft the District of Innovation Plan for College Station ISD.

Please see the complete CSISD District of Innovation Plan below.


2021-2022District of Innovation Plan for College Station ISD