2022 Election Information
The results below are as of the end of Election Day. The results do not include any outstanding absentee ballots, which must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 8, and received by Wednesday, November 9. The deadline for military ballots is November 14, and those ballots along with the qualified provisional ballots, will be added to the totals on November 15.
Trustee Place3
- Josh Benn - unopposed
Trustee Place4
- Jeff Horak - unopposed
Trustee Place 5
- Kimberly McAdams - 10,487
- Morgan Mangan - 8,566
- Michael Martinez - 4,223
Josh Benn, Jeff Horak and Kimberly McAdams are elected.
November 8, 2022 Trustee General Election :
At-large positions 3, 4 and 5 are up for election. Those positions are currently held by Board Vice-President Josh Benn, Board President Jeff Horak, and Trustee Kimberly McAdams, respectively.
Below is a current list of candidates who have filed to run for the November election:
- Place 3
- Joshua Benn
- Place 4
- Jeff Horak
- Place 5
- Kimberly McAdams
- Michael Martinez
- Morgan Mangan
For additional information, please contact CSISD Election Clerk Cari Horn at (979) 764-5455 or chorn@csisd.org.