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College Station Independent School District

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2013 Bond Information


On August 20, 2013, the CSISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved calling a bond election for November 5, 2013, for an amount of $83.5 million. If passed by the voters, the bond sale will have a property tax impact of $.05 to $.08 per $100 of valuation for the 2014-15 fiscal year.

Tax Impact

The chart below shows the potential monthly and annual increase in property taxes for those who live in the CSISD taxing jurisdiction. These increases will not affect those whose property values are frozen.

Taxable Value $.05 rate increase $.08 rate increase
$150,000 $6.25 $75 $10.00 $120
$200,000 $8.33 $100 $13.33 $160
$250,000 $10.42 $125 $16.67 $200
$300,000 $12.50 $150 $20.00 $240
$400,000 $16.67 $200 $26.67 $320
$500,000 $20.83 $250 $33.33 $400
$1,000,000 $41.67 $500 $66.67 $800


What's Included in the Bond Package?

A panel of community members and district personnel met six times in the spring of 2013 to identify capital needs in CSISD. After studying the district's enrollment history and projections, student demographic trends, the growth of the City of College Station, the committee concluded the following projects were of the highest priority.

Projects, Cost and Links to More Information
Project Cost Links for More Information
School Safety Upgrades $3.9 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Center for Alternative Learning $15.5 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Elementary No. 9 $20 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Technology $6.1 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Buses and Vehicles $3 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Deferred Maintenance $12 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
A&M Consolidated HS Renovations $3.5 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Land Acquisition $5.5 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
New Purchasing and Warehouse Center $7.5 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Renovate and Repurpose Current Warehouse and Purchasing Building $6.5 million LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT


In addition, the following items were discussed, but were not included in the 2013 bond package:

  • Maintenance and Operations Center
  • Natatorium
  • Oakwood Gym Expansion
  • Multi-Use Performing Arts Center
  • Ag Science Center