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College Station Independent School District

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2022 Voter-Approved Tax Ratification Election

The results below are as of the end of Election Day. The results do not include any outstanding absentee ballots, which must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 8, and received by Wednesday, November 9. The deadline for military ballots is November 14, and those ballots along with the qualified provisional ballots, will be added to the totals on November 15.

CSISD Proposition A
For - 17,341 (61.17%)
Against - 11,007 (38.83%)
CSISD Proposition A passed with 61.17% of the vote.


we love our Teachers

On August 16, 2022, the CSISD Board of Trustees officially called for a voter-approved tax ratification election (VATRE) to be placed on the November ballot, with the additional revenue generated to be used for increasing CSISD employee compensation. 

If the VATRE is approved, CSISD will have an additional $5 million to use toward increasing employee salaries.  The CSISD tax rate would still be lowered 3.71 cents, which is 21.99 cents (or 15.7%) lower than it was in 2017-18.

The CSISD tax ratification election will be the very last item on your ballot.

Please click the links below (including the video) to learn more about the CSISD VATRE on the November 8, 2022 ballot.

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