2024 Bond Information
Registered voters in College Station Independent School District approved two bond propositions, totaling $53.47 million, on May 4, 2024. The school district drew a majority vote from the community, with the official count for the propositions as follows:
Proposition A - $40.2 million
3,151 votes cast FOR (56.59%)
Absentee: 166; Early Voting: 1,816; Election Day: 1,169
2,417 votes cast AGAINST (43.41%)
Absentee: 200; Early Voting: 1,278; Election Day: 939
Proposition B - $13.27 million
3,130 votes FOR (56.27%)
Absentee: 168; Early Voting: 1,804; Election Day: 1,158
2,389 votes AGAINST (43.73%)
Absentee: 197; Early Voting: 1,288; Election Day: 947
Proposition A
A&M Consolidated High School Field House
- Addition of approximately 8,000 square feet to accommodate the growing population of student-athletes, as well as renovate the interior of the existing structure.
- The building addition would be located in the small parking lot due west of the current building and include a new and enlarged Sports Medicine facility (currently inadequate to treat all AMCHS athletes), baseball locker rooms and offices, concessions and restrooms for the baseball facility, and two classrooms.
- Interior renovations to the existing structure would create a freshman football locker room, relocation of the coach’s office area to be able to monitor the weight room, weight room expansion and upgrades, and interior finish upgrades (paint, floors, etc.)
- Site improvements in the area will also be included in this project due to the field house addition and access between it and the baseball stadium.
A&M Consolidated Tiger Stadium Renovations/Expansion
- This project will increase the stadium capacity from 5,238 to 6,300 by adding additional seating on both the home and visitor side of the stadium, which will be needed with the increased student capacity of the school.
- New press box, concessions, and restroom structures will be constructed on the home side of the stadium to resemble those at College Station High School. The current concessions building, and other old structures will be removed.
- New home and visitor ticket booths will be constructed and both entrances will be renovated.
- This project also includes removal of the bleachers at the south end of the stadium, turfing of the north “D-Zone,” resurfacing of the track, and adding a digital scoreboard.
College Station Cougar Stadium Renovations/Expansion
- This project will increase the stadium capacity from 4,573 to 6,300 by adding additional seating on both the home and visitor side of the stadium, which will be needed with the increased student capacity of the school.
- Due to code requirements, additional restrooms will be added to accommodate the increased stadium capacity.
- Due to chronic water intrusion, this project includes funds to repair existing pressbox exterior walls and to replace the roof of the pressbox.
- Concrete around the visitor’s baseball and softball concessions area will be replaced due to extensive heaving.
This project also includes turfing of the north “D-Zone,” resurfacing of the track, and adding a digital scoreboard.
Proposition B
Baseball and Softball Stadiums
- Proposition B will allow CSISD to turf the baseball and softball fields and add LED lighting at both comprehensive high schools, resulting in more practice time, fewer delayed or canceled games, improved field conditions, and less facility and grounds maintenance.
- At the AMCHS softball stadium, this proposition would allow the district to expand the seating, build a new press box and ticket booth, as well as modify the sidewalks and parking to accommodate the improvements.
In September of 2022, CSISD and VLK Architects began a process to produce a long-range facilities plan to review and prioritize the district’s facility needs and consider future bond referendums.
VLK gathered feedback from district and campus administration and comprehensively reviewed existing facilities. This resulted in the development of several documents:
- Curation Report - Curation studies the district philosophy in order to adequately approach the collaborative Long Range Facility Planning process.
- Programming and Capacity Analysis - This report looks at preferred adjacencies, number and sizes of spaces and how the spaces support the educational program. The report also includes a building capacity analysis.
- Facilities Condition Assessment - VLK performed assessments of instructional campuses, administrative buildings, maintenance warehouse and transportation facilities. The assessments include review of as-built drawings, site visits, reviewing district standards for new construction, surveys of campus principals and program directors, and incorporating current building codes and accessibility requirements.
- High School Athletic Facility Comparison - This report includes comparisons of fieldhouses, locker rooms, showers, and shared spaces.
- Educational Adequacy Index - This assessment reviews how well a school supports the teaching and learning goals of the district. The form includes over 100 data points which involves a physical walk-through of every space. A combination of TEA Standards, Education Specifications and the district's educational mission serve as the base for comparison. Sample items include: Are the rooms the correct size? Are corridors wide enough for efficient traffic flow? Do classrooms have natural light? Is the furniture flexible?
In March of 2023, the CSISD Board of Trustees chartered an ad hoc Long Range Facilities and Bond Planning Committee.
Using the reports from VLK and facilitated by Dr. Lizzy Johnson, the 48-member committee met six times to develop consensus on what projects should be included in the 2023 bond package.
On May 16, 2023, committee members presented their recommendations to the school board, who discussed the proposed projects in open meetings on May 16, June 20, July 18, and August 15, before officially calling for the bond package to be placed on the November 2023 ballot.
Propositions A and B from the 2023 Bond were passed by College Station voters, marking the largest bond in the school district's history. Propositions C and D did not pass.
During the December 2023 CSISD Board of Trustees regularly scheduled meeting, the board approved a resolution amending the original ad hoc Long Range Facilities and Bond Planning Committee charter to allow the superintendent to add alternate members to the committee and for the committee to reconvene to review the results of the November 7, 2023 election and recommendations to the board on how the district should move forward with the two unsuccessful propositions.
Using the reports from VLK and facilitated by Dr. Lizzy Johnson, the now 30-member committee met twice to develop consensus on how the district should move forward.
On Feb. 7, 2024 the committee presented their recommendations to the school board, who discussed the proposed projects in the open meeting before unanimously approving the recommendation to call a bond election for May, 4 2024.