Oct. 11 Boundary Adjustment Workshop
The Boundary Adjustment Committee (BAC) presented its final recommendations to the Board of Trustees during the regularly scheduled meeting on September 20, 2016. Following the presentation, trustees discussed the recommendations and requested additional information for the September 27 workshop. Information regarding the September 27 meeting can be found here: LINK - September 27 Workshop.
A second boundary adjustment workshop was held on October 3, at which no action was taken regarding the attendance zones. Information regarding the October 3 meeting can be found here: LINK - October 3 Workshop.
A third boundary adjustment workshop was scheduled for October 11.
Board Member Requests for Information: During the October 3, 2016, boundary adjustment workshop and in subsequent days, trustees made requests for the following information to be used in discussion at the October 11 workshop.
- Additional Transportation Route Information
- Scenario: Tweaked Admin Rec for Grades 5-8 and BAC 9-12 Recommendation
- Scenario: Nantucket and Indian Lakes to OW-AMCMS-AMCHS with 100 100 50-50 split
- Question: Is the Margraves property included in the Templeton Demographics report?
- Answer: Yes. Future homes in that area are included in the projections. With uncertainty about the future of the development last winter when the study was done, Templeton Demographics made the assumption that it would take four years (from Fall 2015) for homes to be occupied in that parcel. Their projections include 400 homes on that site by the end of the 10 year projections.
At the conclusion of the October 11 workshop, the board voted, 7-0, to accept the Boundary Adjustment Committee's recommendation for attendance zones for grades 5-12.