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College Station Independent School District

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Monday, October 1

At the October 1, 2018, elementary school boundary adjustment workshop, the CSISD administration presented a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for the new elementary school boundaries, which will go into effect in August of 2019. Along with the map and accompanying data, the administration also proposed a grandfathering recommendation for those affected by the new attendance zones.

LINK: Workshop Presentation

Administration's Recommended Elementary School Attendance Zones

  • LINK: Overview Map
    • This map shows an overview of the proposed elementary attendance zones and is a smaller file size.
  • LINK: High Resolution Map
    • With this map, the user has the ability to drill down to each street and parcel within the school district. It is a large file to download.

Administration's Recommended Grandfathering

  • All students entering 4th grade in 2019-20 and whose attendance zones change may elect to grandfather and stay at their currently (2018-19) zoned school.

Providing Feedback

In addition to the public forums on October 3 and 4, anyone can provide feedback via email at

Workshop Video

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