The Boundary Adjustment Process
In November 2015, College Station ISD voters authorized the sale of $135.9 million in bonds. Among the items on the bond proposal was a third intermediate school (Pecan Trail Intermediate), a third middle school (name to be determined) and a 10th elementary school.
Construction is underway on Pecan Trail Intermediate, which is scheduled to open in August 2017. Middle School No. 3 and Elementary School No. 10 have an anticipated opening of August 2018. With new schools comes the need for new attendance zones.
The CSISD Board of Trustees received feedback regarding boundary adjustment through a series of public forums and email last spring. The board used the community feedback and charged the 37-member, community committee with developing recommendations for the following:
- New attendance zones for grades 5-8
- Re-worked attendance zones for grades 9-12
- When to implement new high school attendance zones
- Grandfathering (transition)
- NOTE: The boundary adjustment work to accommodate Elementary School No. 10 is anticipated to take place in the spring of 2017 and go into effect in August 2018.
In addition, the board used the feedback, along with its Core Beliefs and Commitments, to develop the following parameters to guide the committee when adjusting the attendance boundaries:
- Zone schools for a comparable composition of students.
- Zone schools for growth.
- Maximize the capacity of existing campuses.
- Ensure splitting middle schools does not disadvantage a middle school.
The Boundary Adjustment Committee presented it's initial recommendations to the board on August 31, 2016. Following the initial recommendation, the committee and board received feedback via three public forums and email feedback from
The committee reconvened on September 12 and 14 to make adjustments to its initial recommendation using the feedback received from the community. On Tuesday, September 20, the committee's final recommendations were presented to the Board of Trustees.
LINK: Information relating to Boundary Adjustment Committee FINAL Recommendation
The board met on Tuesday, September 27, in a specially called workshop to continue discussion regard the new boundaries. No action was taken at the September 27 meeting.
LINK: Information relating to September 27 Special Workshop
LINK: Video of September 27 Special Workshop
The CSISD Board of Trustees met again to discuss attendance boundaries on Monday, October 3. During the October 3 workshop, the board voted, 7-0, to accept the Boundary Adjustment Committee's recommendation for grandfathering.
LINK: Information relating to October 3 Special Workshop
LINK: Video of October 3 Special Workshop
The CSISD Board of Trustees held a third special workshop on October 11 in the boardroom to continue discussing the attendance boundaries. At the conclusion of the October 11 workshop, the board voted, 7-0, to accept the Boundary Adjustment Committee's recommendation for attendance zones for grades 5-12.