Academic Services & Programs Indicators
CORE COMMITMENT: CSISD will...provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential.
Background: CSISD provides a number of services programs and other opportunities to meet the unique needs of students. House Bill 5 (83rd Texas Legislature) mandated assessment in some of these areas below. For each area, you will find a brief description of the program and what CSISD provides that exceeds state law or other districts.
Fine Arts (HB5): With the exception of the fine arts elective that is mandated under the graduation plans for our current high school students, fine arts are not mandated by the education code. Nevertheless, CSISD campuses provide many fine arts opportunities for students at all levels. Elementary students rotate through art and music every week with teachers who are specialists in art and music, not simply classroom teachers. Intermediate students' elective rotations include art, music and drama. Fifth graders have the option of orchestra, and sixth graders can choose orchestra, choir or band for the entire school year. Middle school students can choose electives in art, choir, band or orchestra. High school students have all of the other options plus theatre arts, and dance classes.
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
Number of minutes per week that K-4 students participate in fine arts (e.g. music, art) activities |
More than 600 minutes per six-weeks grading period CSISD |
540- 600 minutes per six-weeks grading period Creek View |
480-539 minutes per six-weeks grading period |
Less than 480 minutes per six-weeks grading period |
Elementary schools only |
Percentage of elementary (K-4) students participating in a fine arts performance (e.g. music, classroom play, art show) |
90-100% CSISD |
76%-89% |
50%-75% |
Less than 49% |
Elementary schools only |
Percentage of grade 5-8 students participating in at least one fine arts performance (e.g. music, classroom play, art show) during the school year |
90-100% Cypress Grove |
76%-89% CSISD |
50%-75% AMCMS |
Less than 49% |
Intermediate and middle schools only |
Combined participation rate in Choir, Band and Orchestra at the 5th-8th grade levels |
Greater than 30% of the students take one of these classes CSMS |
20%-29% of students take one of these classes CSISD |
10%-19% of students take one of these classes |
Less than 10% of the students take one of these classes |
Intermediate and middle schools only |
UIL Team Performance Results in Choir, Band, Orchestra, and One Act Play |
At least one state championship orSweepstakes in more than one area CSISD |
At least one regional qualifier/ Sweepstakes in at least one area |
At least one district champion/ Sweepstakes |
No regional qualifier or Sweepstakes |
High schools only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Percent of high school students enrolled in a fine arts course for at least one semester during the school year |
60% AMCHS |
50-59% CSISD |
40-49% |
Less than 40% |
High schools only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Wellness and PE (HB5): CSISD takes the wellness of each of our students seriously. Our School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) provides guidance for child nutrition, health and physical education. Our elementary students go to PE daily, and have the opportunity for recess. Intermediate students have a daily class period of PE as well. High school students who take PE have choices that rival many small colleges, including individual and team sports, body sculpting, weight training, step/pilates/pump, outdoor education, dance, even kick ball.
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
Anti-bullying, Cyber-bullying and Dating Violence awareness and education |
Consistent/ on-going guidance activities and/or student leadership group to monitor and address issue Timber |
Several in-class guidance activities CSISD |
Campus/Grade level activity |
Not addressed |
Number of minutes per week in physical activity K-4th grade (PE plus recess) |
250 minutes or more CSISD |
180 to 249 minutes |
135 to 179 minutes |
Less than 135 minutes |
Elementary schools only |
Number of minutes per week in physical activity 5-6th grade (PE plus recess) |
250 minutes or more CSISD |
180 to 249 minutes |
135 to 179 minutes |
Less than 135 minutes |
Intermediate schools only |
Percentage of 7 & 8th grade students participating in one or moreschool sponsored extracurricular activities |
50% or more CSISD |
40%-49% |
30-39% |
Less than 30% |
Middle schools only |
Percentage of students participating in one or more of the following extracurricular activities: sports, marching band, cheerleading and dance team |
50% or more |
40%-49% CSISD |
30-39% |
Less than 30% |
High school only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Second Language Acquisition (HB5): CSISD Students at all levels have the opportunity to participate in English as a Second Language (ESL), if they qualify. In grades K-6, the district's Spanish/English bilingual education program is two-way dual language immersion model including Spanish and English Speakers. Support for both groups, including higher level Spanish courses and at least one core subject taught in Spanish, continues into middle school.
CSISD high school students have the opportunity to pursue courses of study in French, German, Latin and Spanish. All four languages have courses through AP level IV. Spanish goes all the way to AP Spanish V.
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
Bilingual/Dual Language program |
Two-way bilingual education model implemented CSISD and all campuses |
Developmental (late-exit) bilingual model implemented |
Early exit bilingual model implemented |
No bilingual program implemented |
Individual campuses use the district measure and receive the district rating |
Staff Certification in bilingual education and/or English as a Second Language no later than at the end of their first year of employment as a teacher in CSISD |
All elementary and intermediate school core teachers and middle school ELA (including SPED) certified; all high school teachers trained in sheltered instruction AMCHS |
All elementary and intermediate school core teachers (including SPED) ESL certified; secondary core teachers trained in sheltered instruction CSHS |
Certified bilingual/ESL staff in ESL classes (including SPED) serving ESL/bilingual students CSISD |
No bilingual/ESL certified staff |
Elementary schools only |
Percentage of students advancing at least one proficiency level (year over year) in TELPAS |
Grades 1-2: 70% or better Greens Prairie |
Grades 1-2: 60-69% South Knoll |
Grades 1-2: 50-59% CSISD |
Grades 1-2: Below 50% |
Not reported for a campus if fewer than 10 students |
Percentage of students advancing at least one proficiency level (year over year) in TELPAS |
Grades 3-12: 70% or better Oakwood |
Grades 3-12: 60-69% CSISD |
Grades 3-12: 50-59% |
Grades 3-12:: Below 50% AMCHS |
Not reported for a campus if fewer than 10 students |
Language other than English (LOTE) options for students at the high school level |
5 or more LOTE offered with possibility for AP credit in at least 4 languages CSISD |
At least 4 LOTE offered with possibility for AP credit in at least one language AMCHS |
2-3 LOTE offered in a sequence of 3 years |
Only 1 LOTE offered |
High schools only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Gifted and Talented (HB5): Students are nominated annually by parents and school staff for testing for G/T. Students who qualify for the program are eligible for pull out services from the enrichment specialist on their campus (K-6th Grade). All students (even those not identified as G/T) have the opportunity for enrichment projects and participation in groups with the specialist in their campus. G/T identification in CSISD is based on academic indicators only. CSISD teachers earn endorsements in G/T allowing them to differentiate instruction for these students in their classes.
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
District performance based on the Texas Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students |
Meeting all indicators in "In Compliance" and more than 50% of the indicators in "Exemplary" |
Meeting all indicators of "In Compliance" and more than 50% of the indicators in "Recommended" CSISD and all campuses |
Meeting all indicators of "In Compliance" |
Not meeting all indicators "In Compliance" |
Individual campuses use the district measure and receive the district rating |
Percentage of G/T students earning Level III Advanced on STAAR tests (grades 3-4) on one or more STAAR tests |
Over 90% Forest Ridge |
75-89% CSISD (88) |
60-74% |
Less than 60% |
Elementary schools only |
Percentage of G/T students earning Level III Advanced on STAAR tests (grades 5-8) on one or more STAAR tests |
Over 90% |
75-89% CSISD (75%) |
60-74% CSMS |
Less than 60% |
Intermediate and middle schools only |
Percentage of teachers trained in Gifted and Talented (Level 1 Training) |
100% of all teachers in CSISD have level 1 GT training within their first year in CSISD CSHS |
100% of core content area teachers have level 1 GT training within their first year in CSISD AMCMS |
100% of teachers responsible for GT services of GT students have level 1 training within their first year in CSISD CSISD |
less than 100% of teachers responsible for GT students' GT instruction have level 1 training within their first year in CSISD |
21st Century Workforce Development (HB5): CSISD believes that it is vitally important to prepare students for the workforce whether our graduates plan to go straight to work, or to college first. These workforce skills give our graduates the ability to earn money even while pursuing other education opportunities. Our career and technology education department offers numerous career training options in all five endorsement areas of House Bill 5. Many of these career pathways culminate in the opportunity for a certification that can lead right into gainful employment after high school.
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
Campuswide implementation of character education programs in K-8 |
Guidance activities and/or student leadership group to monitor and address issues are implemented more than once per six-weeks AMCMS |
Guidance activities and/or student leadership group to monitor and address issues are implemented at least once per six-weeks CSISD |
Guidance activities and/or student leadership group to monitor and address issues are implemented at least three times per year |
Not addressed |
Elementary, intermediate and middle schools only |
Students have opportunities such as guest speakers, career fairs, society projects, tours of career technology programs, etc... in order to explore career options in K-8 |
Students have at least 3 opportunities to explore career options during the school year AMCMS |
Students have at least two opportunities to explore career options during the school year CSISD |
Students have one opportunity to explore career options during the school year Rock Prairie |
Students do not have opportunities to explore career options during the school year |
Elementary, intermediate and middle schools only |
CTE pathways offered for high school students |
20 or more CSISD |
16 to 19 |
13 to 15 |
12 or fewer |
High schools only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Number of CTE courses that lead to certification or licensure |
15 or more CSISD |
10 - 14 |
6-9 |
5 or fewer |
High schools only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Percentage of CTE students taking a coherent sequence of CTE courses in high school |
30% or more of CTE students district-wide are in a coherent sequence |
22-29% CSISD |
15-21% |
Less than 15% |
High schools only (Timber Academy receives district rating) |
Number of certifications/ licenses earned by students annually |
250 or more |
200-249 CSISD |
150-199 |
Fewer than 150 |
High school campuses receive district rating |
Passing rate on certification/ licensure exams |
90% or greater |
80% to 89% CSISD (85%) |
70% to79% |
Less than 70% |
High school campuses receive district rating |
Dropout Prevention (HB5): CSISD is committed to graduating all students no matter if they have been in our district since Kindergarten, moved in during middle school, or re-enrolled after dropping out earlier in their school career. We have number of processes in place to help kids stay in school. Campuses provide remediation in courses, accelerated instruction where students have struggled and credit recovery for students who have failed one or more classes at the semester.
Students behind on credits can participate in summer school, credit by exam and night school. Timber Academy High School was designed as school for students who are in danger of dropping out or have dropped out previously. Over 89% of Timber students were 17 years old or older on September 1st this year. This currently qualifies Timber as a Dropout Recovery School by the Texas Education Agency.
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
Annual attendance rate for At-Risk students Timber: Annual attendance rate for all students |
96% or greater CSMS Timber: 90% or greater |
94.5% to 95.9% CSISD (95.3%) Timber: 80 to 90% Timber |
93.0% to 94.4% AMCHS Timber: 70 to 79 % |
Less than 93% Timber: Less than 70% |
A safe learning environment is developed through campuswide implementation of Conscious Discipline and Champs in K-8 |
All staff are trained, campus team meets at least twice per semester, and evidence of implementation is consistently present across the campus in both common areas and classrooms. CSMS |
At least 75% of staff are trained, campus team meets at least twice per year, and evidence of implementation is present across the campus in both common areas and classrooms CSISD |
At least half of campus staff are trained, campus team meets at once per year, and evidence of implementation is present across the campus in either common areas or classrooms |
Less than half of campus staff are trained, campus team does not meets, and no evidence of implementation is present across the campus in either common areas or classrooms |
Elementary, intermediate and middle schools only |
Annual Discretionary DAEP Placements (5-12) |
Less than 1% of student population placed CSISD |
1-1.75% of student population placed Timber |
1.76 - 2.5% of student population placed AMCMS |
Greater than 2.5% of student population placed |
Intermediate, middle and high schools only |
Timber Academy High School Annual Graduates (total number) |
50 or more |
40-49 |
30-39 CSISD |
Fewer than 30 |
Timber Academy only |
Five-year federal graduation rate |
96% or higher |
92.0% to 95.9% CSISD (93.4%) |
88.0% to 91.9% |
Less than 88% |
High schools only (no rating for CSHS, first graduating class in 2015) |
Digital Learning Environment (HB5): CSISD believes that our students must not only have access to technology, but must become fluent in a number of technologies to be successful in college or a career. To help accomplish this, each CSISD classroom has access to student computers, and all instructional spaces have a SMART device: SMART board or Sympodium. We have a wireless overlay of our facilities that makes our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative possible. We don't ban smart phones, we encourage their use to aid instruction. High school students have the opportunity to participate in a number of high tech computer and CTE. Beginning a year ago, CSISD developed Success 24/7, a on line learning support portal. This site gives many high school students access to their teachers' lessons, supporting materials, videos, and assignments. Students in these classes get to access their learning anytime, anywhere (with a WiFi connection).
Exemplary |
Recognized |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
N/A |
Success 24/7 usage - average number of multiple logins by user per week |
1000 students or more per week CSISD and all campuses |
800-999 students per week |
600-799 students per week |
Fewer than 600 students |
Individual campuses use the district measure and receive the district rating |
Course ½ credits earned throughEdgenuity |
500 or more CSISD and all campuses |
450-499 |
400-449 |
Fewer than 400 |
Individual campuses use the district measure and receive the district rating |
Ratio of CSISD students to district devices (including student computers, labs, mobile devices) |
2:1 or less CSISD (1.94 to 1) |
4:1 or less AMCHS |
6:1 or less |
More than 6:1 |
Rating on STaRChart System in 4 key areas: Teacher and Learning, Educator Preparation and Development, Leadership and Instructional Support, Infrastructure for Technology |
4 of 4 key areas rated Advanced Technology or higher CSISD |
3 of 4 key areas rated Advanced Technology or higher AMCHS |
2 of 4 key areas rated Advanced Technology or higher College Hills |
1 or fewer areas rated Advanced Technology or higher |