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College Station Independent School District

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Curriculum Indicators

CSISD will...provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum.

Background: The core business of any school district is teaching and learning. In order for students to learn at their highest levels and for teachers to be most effective, a guaranteed and viable curriculum must be in place. CSISD has worked to develop scope and sequences in several areas along with other supporting documents and materials. Parents may access in-depth information about scope & sequence across most content areas and grade levels online through our Curriculum & Instruction website.


(3 Points)

(2 Points)

(1 Point)

(0 Points)


Scope and Sequence documents: K-8 English/Language Arts

Scope and sequence developed at all grade levels

CSISD and all campuses

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through the grade span

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents: K-8 Mathematics

Scope and sequence developed at all grade levels

CSISD and all campuses

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through the grade span

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents: K-8 Science

Scope and sequence developed at all grade levels

CSISD and all campuses

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through the grade span

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents: K-8 Social Studies

Scope and sequence developed at all grade levels

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through the grade span

CSISD and all campuses

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents:

English I - IV

Scope and sequence developed for English I - English IV

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through English I - English IV

CSISD and all campuses

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents:

Algebra I & II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus

Scope and sequence developed for Algebra I & II, Geometry and Pre-calculus

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through Algebra I & II, Geometry and Pre-calculus

CSISD and all campuses

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents:

Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Scope and sequence developed for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

CSISD and all campuses

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating

Scope and Sequence documents:

US History, World History, World Geography, Government, Economics

Scope and sequence developed for US History, World History, World Geography, Government & Economics

Scope and sequence developed, but not all the way through US History, World History, World Geography, Government & Economics

CSISD and all campuses

Supporting resources are available to teachers

No documents

All campuses receive district rating



  • Continue developing curriculum documents across grade levels and content areas to ensure alignment with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
  • Examine vertical alignment of the curriculum to minimize skill gaps for students as they advance from grade to grade.
  • Embed supports for diverse learners into the curriculum to better support teachers in their delivery of the content.
  • Provide appropriate resources and training quality instruction.