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College Station Independent School District

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Financial Responsibility Indicators

CSISD will...commit to the responsible use of taxpayer dollars.


Background: College Station ISD is a steward of the resources provided by the taxpayers. It is of the greatest importance for the district to be wise, fair, conservative and most of all legal in the use of public funds. It is also a goal to be efficient in the use of the funds where we can be. CSISD is audited annually by an outside accounting firm. We are also rated on a couple of different efficiency scales each year.


(3 Points)

(2 Points)

(1 Point)

(0 Points)


CSISD's Annual Financial Audit

Received an Unqualified Opinion with no serious findings


Received an Unqualified Opinion with one minor finding

Received an Unqualified Opinion with a few minor findings

Received a Qualified Opinion OR serious findings in material controls

District ranking only

Board Management Oversight work completed during the year

Completed two comprehensive Management Oversight Workshops

Completed one comprehensive Management Oversight Workshop


Received updates on previous Management Oversight Workshops

No work in Board Management Oversight

District ranking only

FIRST rating system indicates quality of financial management

70-100 points (A)

CSISD (100 Points)

50-69 points (B)

31-49 points (C)

31 or fewer points (F)

District ranking only

FAST rating indicates that our progress to spending ratio is cost-effective

4.5 or 5 Stars

3.5 or 4 Stars

CSISD (3.5 Stars)

3 Stars

2.5 Stars or Fewer

District ranking only



  • Continue internal checks and balances system to ensure integrity of financial systems.
  • Conduct Management Oversight Workshops each year as a way to communicate to both the school board and community regarding departmental operations within the district.