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College Station Independent School District

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Second Language Acquisition Indicators

CSISD will provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential.


Background: CSISD Students at all levels have the opportunity to participate in English as a Second Language (ESL), if they qualify. In grades K-6, the district's Spanish/English bilingual education program is two-way dual language immersion model including Spanish and English Speakers. Support for both groups, including higher-level Spanish courses and at least one core subject taught in Spanish, continues into middle school. CSISD high school students have the opportunity to pursue courses of study in French, German, Latin and Spanish. All four languages have courses through AP level IV. Spanish goes all the way to AP Spanish V. Additionally, Mandarin is available in an online format.


(3 Points)

(2 Points)

(1 Point)

(0 Points)


Bilingual/Dual Language program implementation

Two-way bilingual education model implemented


Developmental (late-exit) bilingual model implemented

Early exit bilingual model implemented

No bilingual program implemented

District ranking only

Staff Certification in bilingual education and/or English as a Second Language no later than at the end of their first year of employment as a teacher in CSISD

All elementary and intermediate school core teachers and middle school ELA (including SPED) certified; all high school teachers trained in sheltered instruction

Cypress Grove
College Hills
Creek View
Forest Ridge
Pebble Creek
Rock Prairie
SW Valley
South Knoll
Spring Creek

All elementary and intermediate school core teachers (including SPED) ESL certified;
secondary core teachers trained in sheltered instruction

Greens Prairie

Certified bilingual/ESL staff in ESL classes (including SPED) serving ESL/bilingual students


No bilingual/ESL certified staff


Percentage of K, 1st & 2nd grade students advancing at least one proficiency level (year over year) on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)

State rate: 45%

70% or better

Forest Ridge
Rock Prairie


South Knoll


CSISD (59%)
Creek View
SW Valley

Below 50%

College Hills
Spring Creek

Greens Prairie, Pebble Creek and CVHS do not have enough students in this category to qualify

Percentage of 3rd - 12th grade students advancing at least one proficiency level (year over year) in Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)

State rate: 50%

70% or better

Rock Prairie
Spring Creek


College Hills
Forest Ridge
SW Valley


CSISD (56%)
Cypress Grove
South Knoll

Below 50%


Creek View, Greens Prairie and Pebble Creek do not have enough students in this category to qualify

Language other than English (LOTE) options for students at the high school level

5 or more LOTE offered with possibility for AP credit in at least 4 languages


At least 4 LOTE offered with possibility for AP credit in at least one language

2-3 LOTE offered in a sequence of 3 years

Only 1 LOTE offered

District ranking only



Areas for Improvement

  • Examine rate of language acquisition for learners whose first language is a language other than English and determine if adjustments to existing supports are needed to improve outcomes for these students.
  • Provide professional development for teachers to improve culturally relevant instructional experiences.
  • Provide professional development on the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).