In addition to the Compulsory Attendance Law, there is the “90% Rule,” which states that in order to receive credit for a final grade for a class, a student is required to attend class 90 percent of the days a class is offered regardless of whether the student’s absences are excused or unexcused. When students do not meet the 90% attendance rate in a class, CSISD provides written notification to the parent/guardian in the form of an Excessive Absence Letter. The loss of credit is also reflected on a student’s report card. If the student does not meet the 90% requirement in a class, the student must go through the Attendance Recovery Process outlined in the CSISD Student Handbook, which denotes that:
To receive credit or a final grade in a class, a student must attend the class at least 90 percent of the days it is offered. A student who attends at least 75 percent but fewer than 90 percent of the days may receive credit or a final grade if he or she completes a plan, approved by the principal, that allows the student to fulfill the class’s instructional requirements. If a student is involved in a criminal or juvenile court proceeding, the judge presiding over the case must also approve the plan before the student receives credit or a final grade. If a student attends fewer than 75 percent of the class days or does not complete the principal-approved plan, then the attendance review committee will determine whether there are extenuating circumstances for the absences and how the student can regain credit or a final grade. See CSISD Board Policies FEC (LEGAL) and FEC (LOCAL).