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College Station Independent School District

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Building Use Procedures

A request to use a building has a set of procedures that must be followed before a group may use school facilities. Each step must be followed to insure the success of the event.

Please see the procedures below for reserving and renting CSISD facilities.

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Heckler, Facility Coordinator
Phone: (979) 694-5687

Gaining Approval

  1. Buildings must be requested with the Operations/Facility Rental Office. The Building Use Form must be filled out completely and returned to the Operations/Facility Rental Office.
  2. All requests must be submitted ten(10) working days prior to the event planned.
  3. When completed applications are received, Facility Rental personnel will:
    • Contact school site for availability.
    • Arrange for an alternative schedule if the original request cannot be met.
    • Send a weekly list to the Operations Dept. so they may provide Air Conditioning/Heating.
  4. All building use fees must be paid in full ten (10) working days prior to the event.

After Approval Is Granted

  1. Once a request is approved by the Operations/Facility Rental Office the user will be contacted. Permission to use a building should not be considered a contract; a request may be bumped within ten (10) working days of receipt in the Operations/Facility Rental Office (See Building Use Priority List for explanation.)
  2. Approved user group will call the Facility Rental Office the week of the scheduled event. At that time, arrangements will be finalized.
  3. When approved and no cancellation notice is received in the Facility Rental Office at least 48 hours prior to the event, no refunds will be issued. Groups using school facilities on routine basis(i.e. churches)shall be billed monthly for all scheduled activities and are subject to cancellation provisions established by this item.

At The Event

  1. The Facility Coordinator will meet you at the door at the arranged time. Keys will not be issued to any group. Building Supervisors will be at the site 30 minutes prior to and after the approved event time. Time sheets will be signed by the contact person at the end of the event.
  2. Members of the group are responsible for setup.
  3. Depending on the day, event and school being used, a Building Supervisor will either be at the school with your group or will check on the event regularly. The Building Supervisor will deal only with the designated contact person of the group.
  4. Upon completion of the event, the group is responsible for cleanup. This includes returning tables and chairs to their assigned places, picking up trash, sweeping, etc. The contact person and the Building Supervisor will then do a walk-through of the facility to insure that everything has been returned to its original state. Any damage to district property shall be paid for by the group involved. Cleanup if required by district personnel will be billed to the group in addition to building use fees.
  5. If the Building Supervisor has gone to another school during the event, the contact person must stay until the supervisor has returned.
  6. The bill for building supervisor fees and any additional facility use fees will be mailed from the Maintenance/Facility Rental Office. Payment is expected within 30 days.