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College Station Independent School District

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50 Men Logo

The 17th annual 50 Men Who Can Cook celebration is Friday, February 7, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Brazos County Expo. The adult-only event benefits the College Station ISD Education Foundation which supports all nineteen CSISD campuses.

Micah Field

College Station High School freshman Micah Field is recognized as the CSISD Student of the Week for being a well-rounded, hard-working, and responsible student.

2025-2026 Calendar Thumbnail

The CSISD Board of Trustees approved the Districtwide Educational Improvement Council’s (DEIC) recommendations for the 2025-2026 academic calendar during its meeting on Jan. 24.

CBE Parent Meeting Flyer

College Station ISD advanced academics will hold a Credit By Exam Parent Informational Meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27 in the CSISD Boardroom (1812 Welsh Ave.)